Clematis recta Purpurea Raised by unknown 1900 unknown Height: 1-2m Flower size: 2-3cm
A selection from the original Flamula species "Recta."
A shrub with good branch growth.
The flowers have 4 to 5 petals, are white, and have a cute star-shaped shape.
Not only the flowers, but the egg-shaped buds are also cute, and they are highly ornamental when the buds emerge before they bloom.
They are slightly fragrant, and can be enjoyed depending on the flowering condition and temperature.
Small, delicate flowers bloom in abundance, floating softly, mainly at the tips of the extended branches.
There is an indescribable charm in the way they sway in the breeze.
New leaves are a coppery purple color, which makes them a nice colorful leaf.
As the temperature rises, they gradually turn green.
A wonderful variety with a combination of copper leaves and white flowers.
The color becomes darker when exposed to low temperatures.