Clematis florida Sieboldii, Bicolor Distribution area: China Height: 2-3m Flower size: 6-10cm
A species native to China that has long been known as Tessen (there is also a theory that there was an original species in Japan).
A medium-sized flower with a beautiful purple core
Despite the thin stems like wire, the flowers are large and have an impressive, dignified shape
There are many individual variations, and there are monocolored ones with a solid purple center and bicolored ones with white (green) + purple, so the flower shape varies depending on the producer
In this dictionary, Tessen and Tessen Sea Bolti are treated as the same thing.
Tessen individuals with particularly gorgeous petals of stamens are sometimes called Tessen Sea Bolti
Care must be taken with regard to cold resistance.
In the plains south of southern Tohoku, it can survive the winter outdoors, but in other cold regions, it may be difficult to survive the winter outdoors.
Care must be taken especially in places exposed to north winds and places with deep freezing