Clematis Dictionary

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和名:クレマチス あわい  Clematis Awai  Raised by Oikawa fra and green    Height: 1.5-2.5m  Flower size: 6-8cm PVP

The flowers start out small and resemble tulips, then gradually open.

Their appearance changes between the beginning and end of blooming.

The flowers are a mixture of white, pink, and green, and some even take on a leaf-like appearance.

When the plant is well grown and there is a lot of fertilizer, the first flowers tend to be more green.

As the flowers begin to bloom at the nodes, the proportion of pink increases.

In addition, the proportion of pink flowers also increases when the plant is pruned after flowering.

Multi-flowering, with flowers blooming at the nodes of extended branches.

They can bloom from relatively low positions.

PVP: This variety is currently being applied for as a variety by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries under the Seed and Seedlings Act.

It is prohibited to multiply, transfer, or sell this variety without the permission of the applicant for registration.

It is also prohibited to take this variety overseas.

Application number for variety registration: No. 36910

Texensis group
Group 3
*Florida group: A group not included in the RHS classification. A group that strongly inherits the characteristics of Tessen.
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